There are some GREAT deals this week!
Be sure to check out grocerysmarts for what you are interested in!
Things I got for FREE:
18 Propels
Noxzema razors
dental flosses
Similac pre-mixed formulas (aren't I nice-I got 13 of them for my sister-in-law)
Feminine care items
Things I got for GREAT deals:
Kool-aid packets ($.03 each)
Crystal Light 12 quart packs
Huggies little swimmers ($4 each package-they are $10 at walmart)
Arrowhead 24-pack waterbottles ($2 each)
Country time lemon-aid
I am now stocked up on drinkage for the summer--which is perfect timing! They were out of Mr Clean Magic Erasers, which I was going to get for $.47 for a 2-pack, and they were out of Wheat Thins Crunch Stix, which would have been $.67 each. I may have Jon grab those on his way home from work next week (they said they were getting more in over the weekend).
Anyway, the only thing I hated about this shopping trip was that I went to walmart for the bulk of it and price-matched several things, other things were the same price, but after using the coupons it made some of the items more than free (ie: item on sale for $.94, coupon for $1 off). My walmart cashier couldn't handle that. She was furious, like I was ripping walmart off or something. It was making her really mad that I was getting so many things for free and I reminded her of the sign in the front of the store that states they will match coupons and beat any prices. She called a manager over, who said the sales and coupons were legit and it was okay. She even tried to make one of the coupons that was supposed to be buy 2 get 1 free be only $.10 off rather than the $2.48 it was supposed to be. I was watching closely though and caught her. She acted like it wasn't her fault, and deleted it and "tried" again, once again, typing in 10 cents. I actually said to her, "why don't you try typing in $2.48 instead of 10 cents, maybe it will work then". She didn't like that, but realized that I wasn't going to fall for her "act of computer glitching", and she did typed in the correct amount the third time, and surprise, it worked. Anyway she was really mad and took FOREVER (would pause and huff after each item) and I was reminded why I just shop at Smith's and sometimes Maceys and Walgreens. I only went to walmart because I had some gift cards there and I hadn't gone in a long time and thought to myself, "it shouldn't be hard to pricematch and do coupons there--they probably have tons of people doing that by now". Boy was I wrong or I happened to get just the wrong cashier.
Then I still went to Smith's to get 2 of the things walmart wouldn't match (the Little Swimmers and waterbottles). Smith's was SO SO nice as usual and I asked where the tip box was. Seriously, I am going to start tipping my cashiers at Smith's that are SO nice, and say things like, "that is such an awesome deal, I think it's great you know how to save so much". So I ended up taking about 3 times the amount of time I normally would have. I guess we learn from our mistakes!