Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Smith's Mega Event Sale--June 23rd-29th

All manufactures' coupons will be worth $1 for this weeks sales! This means that any coupon less than $1 will come up as $1 off! So if I have a $.25 off coupon or a $.50 off coupon, it will be $1 off!!
So get ready and shop at Smith's this week!! Check out www.grocerysmarts.com--passport:g84cah (this is a Utah passport--if you are from another state, go to www.pinchingyourpennies.com and there are links for other states).

Remember, grocerysmarts will tell you if you need a coupon and which coupon insert it is in--SS=smart source, PG=Proctor & Gamble, GeneralMills (they come in the Sunday paper), RP=redplum (comes in the mail or Sunday paper depending on where you live). It will have the date next to it which means the Sunday paper in which it came--NEVER cut out your coupons until you are ready to use them--just sort the coupon inserts according to their date and keep them for at least 4 months. Grocerysmarts does all the work for you in finding coupons and telling you when to use them--saves you TONS of time!!

Here are some of the items that are going to be GREAT deals!!
*Frigo string cheese
*Post cereals (not as good as last week, but still only $1/box)
*Betty Crocker cookie mixes (only $.69!!!!)
*Betty Crocker fruit snacks
*Bounty paper towels
*Dial Soap, 6-8 ct bars or 32-50 oz Liquid Soap Refill
*Orville Gourmet Popping Corn ($.69!!)
*Totinos Pizza Rolls, 15 ct (FREE)
*Trop50, 59 oz
*Windex Cleaners
*Cascade Dishsoap & Tabs
*C&H brown sugar
*Dole mandarin oranges

And a lot more--
So check it out and enjoy stocking up and saving $$!!

1 comment:

  1. You will need to go to the link under the date on the Smith's list that says "double coupon promo" to get more items matched to coupons. Because of the coupon event, there are several items that aren't in the ad that will be 4 or 5 star items if there is a coupon matched to it for $1 off.
