Monday, July 12, 2010

Smiths & Walgreens--Week of July 5th

Smith's Shopping Trip:
Total Spent:  $14.06 ($12.32 before taxes)
Bought:  13 items
Total Saved:  $38.92  
($18.25 in coupons & $20.67 from store sales)

4 boxes of cereal
1 gallon milk
1 package newborn diapers
5 toothbrushes
1 package Rolaids
1 package jelly rolls

I was quite pleased with my purchase.  As you can see, I didn't need much, but I am getting stocked for the baby and the Rolaids were one of those things I have run out and needed (pregnancy does that to you!!) and um. . . same with the jelly rolls!  Ha Ha!  Anyway, I wanted to show the picture anyway because it is just what I bought and I thought it ended up pretty good!  I can fill some of my cravings for great deals too!! 
Oh, and it is an AWESOME cereal sale!  With coupons, boxes of cereal ended up anywhere from $.50-$1/box--but I didn't hit the sale until they were pretty much out of cereal.

Walgreens Shopping Trip:

Total Spent:  $14.45
($12.15 before taxes)
Received:  $6 in Register Rewards
Bought:  15 items
Total Saved:  $49.42
($38 in coupons & previous register rewards & $11.42 from store sales)

4 containers of Gummi-vites (kids vitamins)
2 packages Epsom Salt
2 packages of flossing picks 
2 colgate toothbrushes
2 packages of 10 count pens
1 package of 10 count pencils
1 paint set
1 pair of basketball shorts

Pretty Sweet is all I can say!!


  1. Good job. I hit Smiths at exactly the right time, an employee was just starting to restock the Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
    I ended up spending $10 and got 8 boxes of cereal and 2 gallons of milk. $30 in savings.

  2. Both of those are awesome. I am still learning how to do the whole Walgreens thing. Quite a few of my friends really make bank at Walgreens. I have heard you have to catch them at the beginning of their ad. Does this seem to be the case for you also?

  3. For some things, yes, you have to go the first or second day. They usually restock on Wednesday nights though (each store may be different, ask the Walgreens you shop at what night they restock), so I often go Thursday, but often I don't even get there until the last day (Saturday) and they will be out of some of the things, but have plenty of other things.
